CNA Classes Online

Information On How To Become A CNA Online

CNA Classes In Mississippi (including Jackson, Gulfport and Hattiesburg)

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CNA classes in Mississippi

Typically lasting 8 to 13 weeks, accredited CNA classes in Mississippi must include a minimum of 75 hours of training and cover both core fundamentals of nursing and clinical skills instruction. Before challenging for certification, students are additionally mandated by the state to finish 100 hours of hands-on clinical instruction with a local health care facility. Admission to these programs most-often requires applicants to have a clean criminal record, high school diploma or GED and be at least 18 years old.

Once a student has completed training in a certified nursing program, he or she must take the NNAAP certification exam or another test recognized by the state in order to become eligible for hire as a CNA. All tests consist of both multiple-choice and skills demonstration sections, and both must be passed in order to receive a passing score overall. An additional requirement for employment is being listed in the Mississippi Nurse Aide Registry.

Due to high demand for nurses aides in local health care facilities, CNA classes in Mississippi are mainly offered in Jackson, Gulfport and Hattiesburg.

CNA Jobs in Mississippi

2011 Employment: 16,090
2018 Projected Employment: 26,390

CNA Salary in Mississippi

2011 Mean Hourly Wage: $9.56
2011 Annual Mean Wage: $19,890

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


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