CNA Classes Online

Information On How To Become A CNA Online

CNA Classes In Wisconsin (including Milwaukee, Madison and Eau Claire)

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cna classes in wisconsin

The state accreditation requirement for CNA classes in Wisconsin is a minimum of 120 hours of training, including a minimum of 45 hours of combined clinical training and hands-on work experience. Most students can complete the required hours for an accredited course in 6 to 13 weeks. In order to be admitted to one of these programs, an individual is usually required to be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent certificate (e.g. GED), and be able to clear a criminal background check.

As soon as a student has completed his or her final training class, he or she immediately becomes eligible to sit for the Wisconsin Nurse Aide Program for certification. This two-part exam contains multiple-choice and a skills assessment sections, and CNA candidates are required to pass both halves in order to receive a passing score on the test as a whole. Students who are unable to pass the test within 24 months of completing their CNA courses must repeat all prior training before challenging for certification again. To become eligible to work as a CNA in Wisconsin, a nurses assistant must also be listed in the current Wisconsin Nurse Aide Registry.

Due to high demand for nurses aides in local health care facilities, CNA classes in Wisconsin are mainly offered in Milwaukee and Eu Claire.

CNA Jobs in Wisconsin

2011 Employment: 37,370
2018 Projected Employment: 42,050

CNA Salary in Wisconsin

2011 Mean Hourly Wage: $12.25
2011 Annual Mean Wage: $25,490

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


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