In order for CNA classes in Louisiana to maintain federal and state accreditation status, they are required to feature a minimum of 80 hours of training (40 each in classroom lectures and clinical skills development). This usually requires full-time program participants an average of 6 to 12 weeks to finish. Being accepted into an accredited program requires candidates to be at least 18 years of age and have a high school diploma or GED certificate.
Certified nursing assistant candidates in the State of Louisiana must take the NNAAP certification exam and pass both its clinical and multiple-choice sections within 24 months of completing their training courses. If the individual is unable to do this, he or she will be required to repeat their training in full. Securing employment requires all CNAs to be registered in the Louisiana Certified Nurse Aide Registry.
Due to high demand for nurses aides in local health care facilities, CNA classes in Louisiana are mainly offered in Baton Rouge and New Orleans.
CNA Jobs in Louisiana
2011 Employment: 24,000
2018 Projected Employment: 30,640
CNA Salary in Louisiana
2011 Mean Hourly Wage: $9.48
2011 Annual Mean Wage: $19,700
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Recommended CNA Classes in Louisiana
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